Hospital Billing from A to Z Charlotte L. Kohler, RN, CPA, CVA, CRCE-I, CPC, ACS, CHBC With Kohler HealthCare Consulting, Inc., associates Catherine Clark, CPC, CRCE-I Darrin Cornwell, CRCS-I Janet Ellis, RN, BSN, MS Dawn Doll Homer, CPC, CRCS-I, CDC Daria Malan, RN, LNHA, MBA, RAC-CT? John Ninos, MS, MT(ASCP), CCS Robin Stover, RN, BSBA, CPC, CPC-H, CMAS Deanna Turner, MBA, CPOC, CPC, CPC-I, CSSGB Susan Walberg, JD, MPA, CHC Hospital billing departments are known by various names, but their staff all experience the same problems understanding and complying with Medicare?s many billing requirements.
Hospital Billing From A to Z
?is a comprehensive, user-friendly guide to hospital billing requirements, with particular emphasis on Medicare. This valuable resource will help hospital billers understand how compliance, external audits, and cost-cutting initiatives affect the billing process. Beginning with Advance Beneficiary Notice and ending with Zone Program Integrity Contractors, this book addresses 88 topics in alphabetical order, including the following:2-Midnight Rule and Inpatient Admission CriteriaCorrect Coding InitiativeCPT?, HCPCS, Condition Codes, Occurrence Codes, Occurrence Span Codes, Revenue Codes, and Value CodesCritical Access HospitalsDeductibles, Copayments, and CoinsuranceDenials, Appeals, and Reconsideration RequirementsDialysis and DME Billing in HospitalsHospital-Issued Notice of NoncoverageLaboratory Billing and Fee ScheduleLocal and National Coverage DeterminationsMedically Unlikely Edits and Outpatient Code EditorMedicare Advantage PlansMedicare Beneficiary Numbers and National Provider IdentifierMedicare Part A and Part BNo-Pay ClaimsObservation ServicesOutlier PaymentsPresent on AdmissionRejected and Returned ClaimsUB-04 Form Definitions?Who should read this book?Finance and reimbursement staffChargemaster staffBillers and codersHIM staffClinical department staffRevenue managersCompliance officers and auditorsRegistration staffFiscal intermediary staffHealthcare attorneys, consultants, and CPAsLegal department staff?